Trust and Estate
Planning your estate now will allow you to create the legacy you want to leave. Know that you’ve taken the necessary steps to safeguard your estate so that it will be distributed the way you want.
OMISTA Credit Union in partnership with Concentra Trust offers strategic trust and estate advice and services. Our trust and estate professionals can help you assess your needs and develop a plan to help you care for your loved ones.
Estate planning
OMISTA Credit Union’s estate planning services will help you make informed decisions about the ownership and distribution of your assets during your lifetime and into the next generation.
Professional trustee services
A professional trustee manages and administers assets that are held in trust for another person. This ensures proper control and security of your affairs when you can no longer be in charge.
Estate administration
OMISTA Credit Union and our partners* provide access to estate administration services to help our customers who have responsibilities as executors.
Investment administration
Investment administration services allow you to appoint a professional agent to direct some or all of your financial affairs.
Ask about our trust and estate planning services
To find out more about our trust and estate services, please contact our Credit Union partner, Concentra Trust. You may call 1-800-788-6311 ext 1888 or email executorease@concentrafinancial.ca.
*OMISTA Credit Union trust services provided through Concentra Trust.