
Prime Rate Rates
Prime Rate 6.45%
Savings Accounts Rates
Plan24 0.25%
Free and Easy Savings 0.25%
Demand Deposit 0.25%
E_Savings 1.25%
TFSA 1.25%
Agrilnvest 0.10%
Investment Savings Plan** 1.00%
SmartSave (Tiered Savings) Rates
SmartSAVE Tier $0 - $ 4,999 0.25%
SmartSAVE Tier $5,000 - $ 24,999 0.50%
SmartSAVE Tier $25,000 - $ 59,999 0.75%
SmartSAVE Tier $60,000 or more 1.00%
Your Business Savings Rates
Business Savings $0-$4,999 0.25%
Business Savings $5,000-$9999 0.25%
Business Savings $10,000-$24,999 0.50%
Business Savings $25,000-$49,999 0.75%
Business Savings $50,000-$99,999 1.50%
Business Savings $100,000-$249,999 1.75%
Business Savings $250,000+ 2.50%
Our Community Savings Rates
Community Savings $0-$4,999 0.25%
Community Savings $5,000-$9999 0.25%
Community Savings $10,000-$24,999 0.50%
Business Savings $25,000-$49,999 0.75%
Business Savings $50,000-$99,999 1.50%
Community Savings $100,000-$249,999 1.75%
Community Savings $250,000+ 2.50%
RRSPs and RRIFs Rates
1 Year 3.75%
2 Year 3.50%
3 Year 3.50%
4 Year 3.40%
5 Years 3.40%
Variable 0.15%
SmartSAVE RRSP $0 - $4,999 0.10%
SmartSAVE RRSP $5,000 - $24,999 0.15%
SmartSAVE RRSP $25,000 - $59,999 0.20%
SmartSAVE RRSP $60,000 or more 0.25%
GICs and TFSAs Rates
Short Term - 30 - 59 Days 0.65%
Short Term - 60 - 89 Days 0.70%
Short Term - 90 - 119 Days 0.75%
Short Term - 120 - 179 Days 0.80%
Short Term - 180 - 269 Days 0.90%
Short Term - 270 - 364 Days 1.00%
GICs and TFSAs Rates
1 Year 3.75%
2 Year 3.50%
3 Year 3.5%
4 Year 3.40%
5 Year 3.40%
Mortgages Rates
***5 Year Mortgage Rate Special***OAC 4.74%
***3 Year Mortgage Rate Special***OAC 4.99%
Closed - 6 Months 7.99%
Closed - 1 Year 7.64%
Closed - 2 Years 7.04%
Closed - 3 Years 6.74%
Closed - 4 Years 6.64%
Closed - 5 Years 6.69%
Mortgages Rates
Open - 6 month 9.75%
Open - 1 Year 9.00%
Open - 2 Years 9.50%
Open - 3 Years 10.00%
Personal Loans Rates
Loans under $2,500 15.50%
Overdraft under $5,000 17.25%
RRSP Top Up Loan - 1 to 10 Years - First Year at Prime 6.45%

   Foreign Exchange

   Please contact your branch for current rates


*Rates and fees are provided for information purposes only and are subject to change at any time. **The rate of return on this account has historically outperformed all of our other regular savings accounts. The interest rate is based on OMISTA Credit Union's performance throughout the year. It's your way of sharing in your Credit Union's profits!